Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Month of Thanksgiving- Day 24

I'm thankful for the time I had with my dad, although it wasn't near enough. I can't begin to put into words just how much he meant to me and the impact he had on my life. Anyone that met him loved him (besides the occasional angry fan in some of the games he officiated! ha!) He loved people. Most people try to avoid people they know in WalMart, but not him. He would walk around for an hour trying to find people to talk to. He always wanted the best for Glen and I. He coached me in t-ball, basketball, and softball from the time I was old enough to play. We spent many hours in the front yard working on my pitching. He brought me up loving the outdoors. Although hunting wasn't my favorite thing to do, I did it with him because it made him happy. He is the reason behind my love of fishing, as well. He also taught me a lot about how to treat other people. I don't recall ever hearing him be mean to another person and I never heard he and my mom fight... ever. (I'm not saying they didn't, but they respected each other enough to not do it in front of us, if they did.)

My dad always spent Thanksgiving at deer camp. Lucky for me, his deer camp was fairly close to where I went to college. Since we didn't get much time off for the holiday, I spent the last 4 Thanksgivings of Dad's life with him and his friends and brothers at deer camp. I'm especially thankful for those times.

1 comment:

  1. Your dad would have been so proud of you and the kind of mom you are. I look at the grandkids and think all the time about how he would have loved them. You and Glen were the most important things in his life. I agree time was too short, but we definitely had quality if not quantity. He is looking on and smiling(maybe even laughing) at our lives now.
