Monday, November 14, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 14

I am thankful for the playgroups that we are a part of. I know I mentioned the friends we have met through those playgroups yesterday, but I didn't talk about the actual playgroups. We attend 3-4 of these a week and Olivia and I both love it! She has so much fun playing with her friends, and I enjoy the adult conversation. On the days where we stay home all day, both of us get a little bored and antsy by the end of the day. It's definitely nice to get out of the house for a couple of hours every day. We found all of these groups through The first time I attended one, I thought my mom would die! She couldn't believe I was going to a stranger's house in Chicago! Ha! That group started the week I became a stay-at-home mom and it has become something I look forward to every week.

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