Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 5

I am extremely thankful for my brother. He is so much more to me than just a brother, he is my best friend. Growing up, he taught me how to be tough (by knocking me around on the concrete when we were playing basketball), and then later he taught me how important family really is, by always being there for me. My first memory of college is being at the KA frat house when I was about 12 years old. Even though I was 8 years younger than him, he still let me spend the weekend with him when he was in college. I'm pretty sure I thought I was cool at that point ;). I don't know how I would have made it through the days after my dad died without Glen. He was always there to make me laugh when I needed it, or hug me when I needed to cry. Shortly after that, he moved to Milwaukee. I couldn't imagine life without him nearby. Lucky for me, he moved there and met Jon, which is how Jon and I ended up together. I will always owe him for that. To this day, when I have good news or bad, Glen is the first person I call. In fact, he's the first person who knew I was pregnant with Olivia.

Glen- I love you and you'll always be my best friend. Thank you for always being there, in good times and bad. You'll never know just how much you mean to me. I miss you SO much!

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful for the relationship you 2 have always had (or at least since you were about 10) Ha! I agree that Glen was our rock through those bad times. You and Glen are at the top of my "thankful" list. And ya'll gave me such wonderful grandchildred!
