Monday, November 7, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 7

I am thankful for old friends.

My best friend, Amy, is also my oldest friend. We had no choice but to be friends, due to our parents being friends. She was the first person I ever spent the night with, and many of my childhood memories are with her. I'm blessed that she is still my closest friend. Amy has been there for me in the worst of times and the best of times. She was right by my side when my dad died, and that has always meant so much. She also dropped everything when I had Olivia and drove to Chicago to be the first person to meet her (other than our parents). We have so many memories that I can't begin to list. I wish she still lived in Chicago, but I'm thankful that we always remain so close no matter how far apart we live. Love you, Amy!

Some of my other closest friends are also my oldest friends. Angie, Mandy, Christy- I don't see or talk to these girls as much as I'd like, but I will always consider them close friends. No amount of time or distance can come between us. I miss all of you and I am so thankful for your friendship!

1 comment:

  1. AH! Thankful for you, too! Just wish we lived closer to each other. Maybe one day you'll convince John to move to NWA!
