Monday, November 21, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 21

I'm thankful for our dogs. That may sound silly, but they are so laid back and easygoing, not to mention great companions. They are also really good with Olivia. In fact, tonight is the first time that Olivia has really played with them- not just petting and saying "good girl". Olivia would throw the ball and Dagny would chase it. She was laughing so hard that it sounded like she was screaming! It was so funny! But, when Phoebs started chasing Dagny and barking, Olivia didn't like that. Here's a video that I took about 15 minutes after we started playing. She was much more excited in the beginning, but I think you'll get the idea. (Oh, and ignore the mess on the floor... we wait until the end of the day to clean up or it just gets messed up again and again) :)

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