Friday, November 4, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 4

I am extremely thankful for my mom. I can't even begin to put into words what she means to me and all that she has done for me over the years. From the time I can remember, she has supported me in everything I have wanted. When I wanted to play basketball, softball, twirl, dance, and do gymnastics, she was right there to take me to all of them. When I decided which were most important to me, she supported that decision and became as involved as possible. She was my basketball coach from the time I was five, and she only missed a handful of my games through all 4 years of college. (And those handful were because she had back surgery!) She drove 3+ hours at least twice a week for 4 years. Since then, we have only grown closer. Now, I not only call her "mom", but also "friend". I can only hope to be half the mother to Olivia that my mom is to me.

I love you, Mom!!


  1. Awww!So Sweet. And I think you will be a much better mom. I can already tell. I love you

  2. I know she must have been a wonderful mother because her daughter is "a chip of the old block." How lucky am I to have both of you in my life!
