Wednesday, November 30, 2011

18 Months Old

Olivia turned 18 months old last Friday. We had her 18 month doctor appointment yesterday. She is 32 1/2 inches long and 25lbs 9oz, which puts her in the 75th percentile for both. Dr. Egues said she's perfect, but we didn't need anyone to tell us that! :)

So, what is Olivia up to now?

- She still wears size 4 diapers
- Most of her clothes are 18months, but she can also wear some 2t
- She LOVES books! I bet we read 20 books a day.
- She is a good eater most days. She especially likes fruit of any kind, but she will also eat meat and vegetables.
- She says so many words that I've lost count. Jon and I estimated this weekend that it is well over 50, maybe even 100. I can understand most of them, but everyone might not be able to. ;)
- She loves "hiding", although most of the time it's in plain sight, but usually against a wall or something. As soon as I say, "Where's Olivia?", she runs to me.
- She likes giving "big hugs" and kisses.
- She enjoys playing with her babies. She pushes them in the stroller, swaddles them, and puts them in the cradle. She's also been known to give them milk and food when I'm not looking.
- She really likes doing puzzles and can do the ones we have fairly easily.
- She has gotten much better about not hitting and pushing at playgroup. Now, she is "nice" and "gentle" most of the time. (I put these in quotations because she says the words as she pets the other kids.)
- She LOVES playing with her friends. In fact, she says "Ady" and "Carter" many, many times every day. When we are at a playgroup, she immediately finds one of them. It's pretty cute!
- She has gotten really good at communicating what she wants.
- When I ask her to say her ABCs, she says, "A B C".
- When I ask her to count, she says, "One, Two, OneTwo". Occasionally she will get Three.
- She loves to talk to Daddy on the phone. In fact, she didn't want to tell him bye-bye tonight and she cried when I hung up the phone.
- She sleeps from about 7:30pm-7:30am.
- She takes one nap a day and it is always 2 hours, but occasionally a little longer.
- She enjoys "coloring".
- She likes stacking blocks and knocking them over.
- She loves playing catch, and gets excited when she catches the ball.

She is such a joy to be around. Although she can throw a fit, thankfully she rarely does. She is such an easy child. Let's hope she stays that way...

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