Wednesday, November 30, 2011

18 Months Old

Olivia turned 18 months old last Friday. We had her 18 month doctor appointment yesterday. She is 32 1/2 inches long and 25lbs 9oz, which puts her in the 75th percentile for both. Dr. Egues said she's perfect, but we didn't need anyone to tell us that! :)

So, what is Olivia up to now?

- She still wears size 4 diapers
- Most of her clothes are 18months, but she can also wear some 2t
- She LOVES books! I bet we read 20 books a day.
- She is a good eater most days. She especially likes fruit of any kind, but she will also eat meat and vegetables.
- She says so many words that I've lost count. Jon and I estimated this weekend that it is well over 50, maybe even 100. I can understand most of them, but everyone might not be able to. ;)
- She loves "hiding", although most of the time it's in plain sight, but usually against a wall or something. As soon as I say, "Where's Olivia?", she runs to me.
- She likes giving "big hugs" and kisses.
- She enjoys playing with her babies. She pushes them in the stroller, swaddles them, and puts them in the cradle. She's also been known to give them milk and food when I'm not looking.
- She really likes doing puzzles and can do the ones we have fairly easily.
- She has gotten much better about not hitting and pushing at playgroup. Now, she is "nice" and "gentle" most of the time. (I put these in quotations because she says the words as she pets the other kids.)
- She LOVES playing with her friends. In fact, she says "Ady" and "Carter" many, many times every day. When we are at a playgroup, she immediately finds one of them. It's pretty cute!
- She has gotten really good at communicating what she wants.
- When I ask her to say her ABCs, she says, "A B C".
- When I ask her to count, she says, "One, Two, OneTwo". Occasionally she will get Three.
- She loves to talk to Daddy on the phone. In fact, she didn't want to tell him bye-bye tonight and she cried when I hung up the phone.
- She sleeps from about 7:30pm-7:30am.
- She takes one nap a day and it is always 2 hours, but occasionally a little longer.
- She enjoys "coloring".
- She likes stacking blocks and knocking them over.
- She loves playing catch, and gets excited when she catches the ball.

She is such a joy to be around. Although she can throw a fit, thankfully she rarely does. She is such an easy child. Let's hope she stays that way...

Early Christmas Present

Olivia got an early Christmas present in the mail last week. My mom sent her a cute little Pottery Barn chair with her name embroidered on it. She LOVES it! Thanks Gram!!!


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Wisconsin. We drove up Thursday morning and arrived just in time for the turkey dinner. Olivia loved the meal, with her favorite being the mashed potatoes and stuffing (much like her mom! ha!) She wouldn't stand still long enough for a picture, so we had to settle for some action shots!

On Friday, we did a little shopping and watched the disappointing Razorback game. Fortunately, the weather was better than the game and Olivia and Grandpa played outside for a little while. She especially liked the bird feeder.

We drove farther north to Phillips, WI on Saturday to see some of the extended family and to listen to Jon's dad and uncle play music at the family resort that night. It was a good time, like usual. Unfortunately, we didn't take the camera.

All in all, it was a great weekend. Olivia really enjoyed her Grandma and Grandpa this time, and warmed up to them both right away. (She's even saying "Gramma" and "Grampa" now... in fact, I'm pretty sure she said "Grampa" at least a hundred times on the drive home! :) But, we wouldn't have it any other way.)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are heading up to Wisconsin this morning to spend Thanksgiving with Jon's family. We'll stay up there until Sunday. I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful that each of you are in our lives!!

A Month of Thanksgiving- Day 24

I'm thankful for the time I had with my dad, although it wasn't near enough. I can't begin to put into words just how much he meant to me and the impact he had on my life. Anyone that met him loved him (besides the occasional angry fan in some of the games he officiated! ha!) He loved people. Most people try to avoid people they know in WalMart, but not him. He would walk around for an hour trying to find people to talk to. He always wanted the best for Glen and I. He coached me in t-ball, basketball, and softball from the time I was old enough to play. We spent many hours in the front yard working on my pitching. He brought me up loving the outdoors. Although hunting wasn't my favorite thing to do, I did it with him because it made him happy. He is the reason behind my love of fishing, as well. He also taught me a lot about how to treat other people. I don't recall ever hearing him be mean to another person and I never heard he and my mom fight... ever. (I'm not saying they didn't, but they respected each other enough to not do it in front of us, if they did.)

My dad always spent Thanksgiving at deer camp. Lucky for me, his deer camp was fairly close to where I went to college. Since we didn't get much time off for the holiday, I spent the last 4 Thanksgivings of Dad's life with him and his friends and brothers at deer camp. I'm especially thankful for those times.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I keep meaning to write this so I don't forget it...

I've been working on counting with Olivia. So far, we've only gotten to 2, occasionally 3. She loves counting and will do it when I ask her to. I've never heard her count any other time. Well, Jon and I took her to the playground a couple of weeks ago. There was one other lady there with her two kids, one of whom was about 4 years old. They were getting ready to leave and the older kid (who was playing by Olivia) wouldn't go to the mom. His mom said, "I'm going to count to 3" and Olivia said, "One... Two". It was pretty funny!

A Month of Thanksgiving- Day 23

Today, I'm thankful for a washing machine and dryer. Our washing machine went out over 2 weeks ago and it's been a mess trying to get it repaired/ replaced. Our new one was finally installed today. To say that I have a little laundry to catch up on is a slight understatement.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 22

I'm thankful for rainy days when we don't have anything to do. I know I've talked about how much I enjoy our playgroups and classes, but I also love the days when Olivia and I just hang out at home. We read books, do puzzles, color, play with babies, play hide and seek, etc. Those days never get old.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 21

I'm thankful for our dogs. That may sound silly, but they are so laid back and easygoing, not to mention great companions. They are also really good with Olivia. In fact, tonight is the first time that Olivia has really played with them- not just petting and saying "good girl". Olivia would throw the ball and Dagny would chase it. She was laughing so hard that it sounded like she was screaming! It was so funny! But, when Phoebs started chasing Dagny and barking, Olivia didn't like that. Here's a video that I took about 15 minutes after we started playing. She was much more excited in the beginning, but I think you'll get the idea. (Oh, and ignore the mess on the floor... we wait until the end of the day to clean up or it just gets messed up again and again) :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Days 19 & 20

I'm thankful for DayQuil/NyQuil and the ability to stay in bed all day. I woke up not feeling well yesterday, and I've been pretty worthless this weekend. Thankfully, Jon has taken care of Olivia and let me rest. Here's to hoping I feel better tomorrow...

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 18

I'm thankful for weekends! Jon has been out of town the past 2 nights and I'm so thankful to have him home and to have a couple of days to enjoy together as a family.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 17

I'm especially thankful for my "job". I can't begin to put into words how much it means to me to be able to stay home with Olivia. It is by far the best job I've ever had, and I'm extremely grateful that I am able to spend all of my time with her. It's the small, everyday moments that I enjoy the most... hearing her say a new word for the first time, wanting me to swaddle her baby so she can rock her, reading the same book over and over, coloring, hiding, singing and dancing... All of these things make every day special. The sweetest thing ever was last night when we were reading a bedtime story, she put her hand gently on my face and said "I love you" (her version of I love you, anyway :)). It melted my heart, and she did it over and over. That's a moment I will always treasure.

So, Jon- THANK YOU for supporting our family and working hard so that I can spend my days with Olivia. You'll never know just how much that means to me. xoxo

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 16

I'm thankful for Jon's job. I'm so glad he found a company where he respects the people he works for and enjoys what he does. I'm thankful that he rarely travels, and if he does, it isn't far away and for very long at a time. I'm also thankful that his job allows me to stay home with Olivia.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Olivia loves coffee!

Jon took this video of Olivia last night. He was feeding her dinner and he thought she was asking for coffee. He couldn't figure out why she wanted coffee. She was actually saying "goldfish", but it sounded like "coffee" so he thought it would be funny to put her goldfish in a coffee cup. We got a good laugh out of it!

A Month of Thanks- Day 15

This may sound a little cheesy, but today I'm thankful for the unseasonably warm temperatures we're having. The high here today is in the 60s, which is crazy considering Thanksgiving is next week! Needless to say, we are taking advantage of it and heading outside...

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 14

I am thankful for the playgroups that we are a part of. I know I mentioned the friends we have met through those playgroups yesterday, but I didn't talk about the actual playgroups. We attend 3-4 of these a week and Olivia and I both love it! She has so much fun playing with her friends, and I enjoy the adult conversation. On the days where we stay home all day, both of us get a little bored and antsy by the end of the day. It's definitely nice to get out of the house for a couple of hours every day. We found all of these groups through The first time I attended one, I thought my mom would die! She couldn't believe I was going to a stranger's house in Chicago! Ha! That group started the week I became a stay-at-home mom and it has become something I look forward to every week.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 13

Tonight I am thankful for new friends. Since becoming a stay-at-home mom, I've had the opportunity to meet many others who do the same. I've been very fortunate to make friends with several of these women, who have kids the same age as Olivia. (In fact, Olivia walks around saying her friends' names most of the day. Ha!) Tonight, one of the ladies had us over for dinner, along with 2 of the other families. It was the first time Jon has met any of the families and we had such a great time! It makes living so far away from our friends and families a little easier knowing that we have friends here, and it's so much fun seeing Olivia interact with the same kids several days a week and know that she now recognizes them, etc. I'm thankful for these friendships and the fact that they make Chicago feel a little more like home.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 12

I'm extremely thankful for all of my extended family. I am blessed to have wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins that I hold close to my heart. My family has always been extremely close (on both sides) and, therefore, I have great relationships with many of my extended family members. I won't name them all, but you know who you are ;). I'm excited to see all of you when I come home for Christmas! (Aunt Ruby- we'll miss you!)

And, since marrying into the Gilge family, I've gained even more extended family. I feel very fortunate to have them in my life as well. Every time I'm around any of them, I feel right at home. They remind me so much of my own family, and I'm happy to be a part of theirs now!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pictures of Olivia

For those of you waiting on some pictures of Olivia from the past couple of weeks, here you go:

Wearing daddy's boots:

Looking up to daddy: (I LOVE this picture!)

Putting her baby to bed in the cradle Gram brought for her (which I played with when I was little):

Covering baby up with the quilt Gram made:

A Month of Thanks- Day 11

Happy Veterans Day! Today, I am thankful for all of the men and women who serve or have served our country. These people sacrifice their lives for the freedom of our country and take risks everyday for complete strangers. I am so thankful that there are people willing to do that, as well as the families that stand behind them.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 10

I am thankful for our health. Jon had a check-up/physical today and everything looks great! For that, I am thankful. Also, we've been fortunate with Olivia. She has hardly been sick at all in her first 18 months (knock on wood...)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 9

I am thankful for the occasional date nights that Jon and I get. We were fortunate to have one on Monday. Emma, the nanny for the family upstairs, came down and kept Olivia while Jon and I took the train downtown to the opera. A friend of ours was performing in her debut, and we were excited to be there for opening night. The opera was in Russian, but thankfully there were subtitles!

We had another date night recently when my mom was visiting... Actually, it was more like an entire day! She kept Olivia while Jon and I did a little shopping. Later that evening, we went downtown for dinner at Gibson's Steakhouse. While we had a good time, we felt a little old when we were home from dinner before Olivia even went to bed! Ha!

While it's nice to get away with just the two of us occasionally, we're both always ready to get home to see Olivia.

(P.S. I promise to post some pictures of Olivia soon. I know that's the reason most of you are reading anyway.)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 8

I'm thankful for my niece and nephew. I will never forget the day I became an aunt for the first time 10 years ago. I was so overcome with emotion and experienced love at first sight for the first time. Abby was premature, so she was immediately taken to NICU. They only allowed parents and grandparents back to see her. One of the nurses felt sorry for me, and snuck me back to see her when nobody else was around. I was completely smitten. I had those same emotions a few years later when Mason was born. Missing the everyday moments with both of them is one of the hardest things about living far away.

And, I am also thankful for my two newest nephews on Jon's side of the family. Although I haven't even met one of them yet, I'm happy to be an aunt to 4 now.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 7

I am thankful for old friends.

My best friend, Amy, is also my oldest friend. We had no choice but to be friends, due to our parents being friends. She was the first person I ever spent the night with, and many of my childhood memories are with her. I'm blessed that she is still my closest friend. Amy has been there for me in the worst of times and the best of times. She was right by my side when my dad died, and that has always meant so much. She also dropped everything when I had Olivia and drove to Chicago to be the first person to meet her (other than our parents). We have so many memories that I can't begin to list. I wish she still lived in Chicago, but I'm thankful that we always remain so close no matter how far apart we live. Love you, Amy!

Some of my other closest friends are also my oldest friends. Angie, Mandy, Christy- I don't see or talk to these girls as much as I'd like, but I will always consider them close friends. No amount of time or distance can come between us. I miss all of you and I am so thankful for your friendship!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 6

Today, I am thankful for my in-laws. So many people speak of difficulties when dealing with in-laws, but I am fortunate to not have that problem. They have been nothing but kind to me since I first met them when Jon and I were dating. I am thankful for the man they raised, and I'm thankful they are in our lives today. They are so giving, and never come to visit without bringing gifts for Olivia (and us). They are also supportive in the decisions that Jon and I make. I'm glad I married into such a wonderful family!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 5

I am extremely thankful for my brother. He is so much more to me than just a brother, he is my best friend. Growing up, he taught me how to be tough (by knocking me around on the concrete when we were playing basketball), and then later he taught me how important family really is, by always being there for me. My first memory of college is being at the KA frat house when I was about 12 years old. Even though I was 8 years younger than him, he still let me spend the weekend with him when he was in college. I'm pretty sure I thought I was cool at that point ;). I don't know how I would have made it through the days after my dad died without Glen. He was always there to make me laugh when I needed it, or hug me when I needed to cry. Shortly after that, he moved to Milwaukee. I couldn't imagine life without him nearby. Lucky for me, he moved there and met Jon, which is how Jon and I ended up together. I will always owe him for that. To this day, when I have good news or bad, Glen is the first person I call. In fact, he's the first person who knew I was pregnant with Olivia.

Glen- I love you and you'll always be my best friend. Thank you for always being there, in good times and bad. You'll never know just how much you mean to me. I miss you SO much!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 4

I am extremely thankful for my mom. I can't even begin to put into words what she means to me and all that she has done for me over the years. From the time I can remember, she has supported me in everything I have wanted. When I wanted to play basketball, softball, twirl, dance, and do gymnastics, she was right there to take me to all of them. When I decided which were most important to me, she supported that decision and became as involved as possible. She was my basketball coach from the time I was five, and she only missed a handful of my games through all 4 years of college. (And those handful were because she had back surgery!) She drove 3+ hours at least twice a week for 4 years. Since then, we have only grown closer. Now, I not only call her "mom", but also "friend". I can only hope to be half the mother to Olivia that my mom is to me.

I love you, Mom!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 3

I am so very thankful for Olivia. She has brought, and continues to bring, so much joy to my life. She is sweet, yet spunky at the same time. She can light up the room with her smile, and her laugh is contagious. I truly cannot imagine life without my little girl, and I'm thankful God chose me to be her mommy!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Month of Thanks- Day 2

I'm so thankful for the husband that God hand-picked for me. Jon is my best friend, soulmate, and partner for life. He is such a great provider for our family, and I can't thank him enough for his hard work, so I am able to stay home with Olivia. He is also very helpful around the house. And, I couldn't possibly ask for a better father for Olivia. I am so blessed to call him my husband and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with him.

Jon- If you're reading this, I love you more than you will ever know! Thank you for choosing me!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Month of Thanks

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thes 5:18

With it being November and the month of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be nice to (try to remember to) say something that I'm thankful for every day this month.

Day 1: I'm thankful for a loving, forgiving, and faithful God.

Halloween Parties

Olivia got to wear her kitty cat costume plenty of times this year! Our Halloween festivities began the week before Halloween. First up was a Halloween parade at St. Andrews that Olivia's friend, Adelina, invited us to. Then, we went to "A Monster Bash" at another friends house on the Monday before Halloween. On Wednesday, all of the kids at our regular playgroup dressed up, and on Friday, we attended Halloween Spooktacular for the stay-at-home moms group we're a part of. All of this was before Halloween! Here are some pictures from all of the events:

Holding hands with Adelina at the parade:

Trying to catch up with her friends Adelina and Riley:

Being pushed by Adelina:

Flirting with her boyfriend, Carter: