Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday update

Olivia did great all morning with no oxygen. Her levels stayed above 94, and mostly were around 98. What a HUGE improvement! However, when she fell asleep for a nap, the levels dropped to 84. So, she continues to need the oxygen when sleeping. As I mentioned before, levels are always lower when sleeping so this is not a big surprise. This does mean that we won't be going home until tomorrow. (And, that is assuming she is able to sleep without oxygen by then).

Although I hoped to go home today, I really didn't expect it... So, no disappointments here.

Keep praying! :)

1 comment:

  1. Mary Beth, I am so proud of the way you have handled this to be in a strange place and be by yourself. You are such a good mommy and I know when Jon gets home he will let you collapse!! Maybe this is the last night. Praying!!!
