Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hospital Stay In Pictures

This was taken right after we got into our room:

First night in the hospital:

Poor Baby:

Eating (Although she always asked for "Daddy's pancakes" instead):


Every time she took her medicine well, she got a prize (at first, until she had gotten so many):

With all of her prizes:

Talking to Ady on FaceTime:

Playing games on the ipad:

Sitting on the blanket she got as a prize and playing with some toys:

Playing with the blocks she got as a prize:

We were both ready to go home by this point:

Such a big girl... now she holds the mask all by herself:

Jennifer, my friend from college sent Olivia a teddy bear and some balloons. She was having a rough day, from being exhausted and locked in a small room for so long. The expression on her face when these arrived was priceless! She kept saying, "Oh, WOW". Jenn- Thank you soooooo much for making her day!

Our room (packed up for us to leave):

Ready to go home:

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