Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday Morning Update

(I'm posting these from my phone, so please excuse any spelling and/or grammar mistakes)

We saw the doctor this morning. She informed us that we will be in the hospital for "at least one more day". The goal today is to see if we can get Olivia off of the oxygen while she's awake. She started the morning strong, so they turned the oxygen off at about 8:15am. She was tolerating it well, so we got to run around the halls and play a little. After a few minutes of that, she started coughing pretty badly and was ready to rest. (The coughing is good, though because it means the gunk in her chest is moving.) Well, shortly after (around 10am), we had to turn the oxygen back on. We tried for 1/2 and 1 liter, but it wasn't enough to get her levels where they need to be. So, she's currently at 2 liters and holding steady (at 93-94). She is about to fall asleep, so it may have to be increased at that point, but we'll see.

Keep praying!

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