Friday, February 10, 2012

Big Girl

Olivia is changing so much these days. She is speaking in sentences consistently (Thank you Daddy, Good Morning, More Milk Please, Bless You Mommy, Excuse Me Dagny, I Love You Mommy, etc.) and she loves talking about being a big girl. She loves her "big girl room" and she always wants to drink out of a "big girl cup". She wants a napkin in her lap when she eats, and she has completely given up her security blanket. She's even been going pee-pee on the potty at least once a day for a few days now! I love how much she's learning and changing, but I wish it wasn't all happening so fast!

We went to our first playgroup this week. While we didn't make any instant new friends, it was nice to get out of the house and let Olivia play with other kids. We are going to a couple more in the upcoming weeks.

Jon's first week at his new job went really well. He feels good about it and definitely thinks he made the right decision. I have to admit... I am enjoying having him home so early in the evenings!

1 comment:

  1. Such a big girl!!! Pretty amazing that she is doing all these things so early. Time for a visit!!! Love ya'll
