Sunday, February 19, 2012

First Hospital Stay

What an eventful couple of days we've had. Olivia got sick again last week. She started with just a mid-grade fever. After 3 days of fever and 2 nights of awful coughing, I decided to take her to the doctor yesterday. (And, yes- we've only lived here 2 1/2 weeks and we've already made 2 trips to the doctor. Crazy!)

Anyway, Dr. Wu diagnosed her with bronchialitis. Before we left, though, she wanted to check her oxygen levels to see how well she was breathing. Unfortunately, those numbers weren't where she wanted them to be (She wanted at least 93 and Olivia was 89) and she couldn't get them higher than 91 even with 2 breathing treatments. So, she sent us to the hospital.

After several rounds of bloodwork, swabs, and chest x-rays, it was determined that she has Mycoplasmal Pneumonia, also known as Walking Pneumonia. We're glad that we finally know what to treat and that it is bacterial because that means it should respond to antibiotics.

So, basically, Olivia is getting oxygen constantly, as well as breathing treatments every 4 hours and regular antibiotics. Her oxygen levels are much better today (hovering around 95, as opposed to 81 last night) BUT that is with the oxygen. We need to get those numbers up without oxygen. So, our goal is to get her off the oxygen and decrease the breathing treatments so that we can go home. There is no indication of when that will happen. It could be tomorrow or it could be in a week.

We would appreciate your prayers for her recovery. Also, Jon had to go out of town today for work (for a week). It was extremely hard for him to leave, so if you could lift him up as well, that would be great.

I'll keep you posted!

I have a couple of pictures to add, but I can't get them to upload from this computer. I'll have to add them when we get home.

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