Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday Evening

Olivia seems to be doing much better. They haven't tried taking her off of oxygen again, but she's been on 1 liter all day! Including during her nap! This is the first time she's stayed at 1 while sleeping since we've been here. Her levels weren't quite up to 94, but they weren't low enough to make the alarms go off, either. They were staying right around 90.

She is sleeping now (on 1) and her levels are once again staying around 90. She may end up having to go up a little during the night, but even if she does, this is a huge improvement!

She is having another chest x-ray tomorrow morning (not fun!) to make sure everything looks ok. The doctor is assuming it will, but she just wants to be sure.

In other news, one of the nurses told me today that everyone in the department wants to take Olivia home! :) They all love her and can't believe how much she talks. I have been SO proud of her (and that's a huge understatement) since we've been here. She has taken her medicines so well, and some of them smell horrible so I can only imagine how bad they taste. She has left the nasal cannula alone. She has never fought a breathing treatment. She has just been such a big girl and made it all a little easier on me.

Thank you again for all of the prayers. My hope is that we'll get to go home on Thursday, but there's no way of knowing yet.

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