Monday, April 25, 2011

11 Months Old

Olivia is 11 months old today! She is so much fun these days! I always thought that the newborn stage was and always would be my favorite. However, every month since has become my favorite! She is such a happy baby! I especially love our time together in the mornings. When she wakes up (in her crib), I make her a sippy cup of formula and bring her into bed with me. When she finishes the "milk", we lay in bed and play for 15-20 minutes. She has the best time- standing on the bed, jumping, falling down, etc. We just laugh and laugh. It is probably my favorite time of the day.

So, what is Olivia up to this month?

- She still wears size 12 month clothes.
- She is still in a size 4 diaper.
- She has 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on bottom. (I think she is getting more, though because she has been drooling like crazy lately!)
- She is still consistently sleeping from 7:30pm-6:30am.
- Her naps are starting to be on more of a schedule. She usually naps at 9:00am for an hour and at 1:00pm (or a little after) for an hour (or sometimes more).
- She has taken her first unassisted steps! She will only take 2-3 steps without holding on and she doesn't do it very often, but she gets really excited when she does.
- She loves to walk around the living room holding on to the couch, table, chair, etc.
- She LOVES books! She spends a good portion of every day looking at books and bringing them to me to read to her.
- She still loves giving herself kisses in the mirror and kissing all of her stuffed animals.
- She constantly does her monkey sound- "ooohhhh, ooooohhhh".
- She still calls most things "duh" (duck).
- She says "cup", "clap", "duck", "dog", "bye-bye", "dada", "mama", "cat".
- Her eating is still unpredictable. What she likes changes from day to day, but her favorites right now are toast, cheese, and hummus.
- She points at what she wants.
- As soon as she thinks I'm not looking, she crawls right towards the dog bowls and/or dog beds. She gets really excited when she gets close! Ha!

We are having such a great time together (or at least I am) and I have never loved a "job" like I do this one!!!

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