Sunday, April 17, 2011

First Steps!!

We've had a busy weekend! On Saturday, Jon had an eye doctor appointment to start the day. Afterwards, he kept Olivia while I got my hair cut and met a friend for lunch. Saturday night, we went over to some friends' house. They cooked us a delicious Romanian dinner and then served me birthday cake- complete with a candle and all!

Today was my birthday, and Jon gave me the best gift by letting me sleep in! Later, I had an appointment for a massage, thanks to Jon. It was just what I needed! The three of us took an afternoon nap and went out to dinner tonight.

The big news of the day, though, had absolutely nothing to do with my birthday. Olivia took her first steps today!!! She did it for the first time while she was staying with Jon and I was getting the massage. I was so excited that he was home for it, and I love that she did it for him first! Although, I have to admit... I was anxious to see it for myself! Well, luckily, I was able to just before bed. She let go of her toy and stumbled towards me! I have to say... that was the best present ever!!

In other news, my Arkansas friends and family will be excited to know that we are having Olivia's birthday party in AR now. We were originally planning on doing it in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend and having my mom and Jon's parents both come into town. However, Jon's parents are going to California that weekend, so I decided to have it in AR instead! We will be there June 1-7. I can't wait to see all of you then!

I hope you all have a great week! We are heading to Wisconsin for Easter on Friday.

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