Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gram's Visit

My mom arrived in town on Friday night. I was having a Mom's Night Out cooking class with some of the moms from our playgroup and Olivia was already in bed, so mom and Jon had a little time to themselves. We all went to bed shortly after I got home.

Mom was anxious for Saturday morning because she couldn't wait to see Olivia! I was worried that Olivia would be hesitant to go to her because she's been pretty shy with people over the last few months, but she went right to her. (That made Mom VERY happy!!) After spending some time playing, the three of us went to pick up some shoes for Olivia while Jon got his haircut. We picked up sandwiches for lunch and headed home. Later that night, Mom kept Olivia so that Jon and I could have a date night. It was the first time in a very long time that we had been anywhere without her. We went to Hopleaf and had a great time, but I have a feeling that Mom enjoyed herself even more!

Sunday morning started with brunch (of course). This time, we went to Chief O'Neill's for the brunch buffet. We came home and rested for a little while before Jon and I headed out again. We went to a fundraiser for a local community center, while Olivia and Gram spent some more time together.

Ready for the Fundraiser:

On Monday, Jon headed back to work, and us girls went out for an Italian lunch. After a quick stop at the grocery store, we came home. Later that night, I roasted a chicken and some vegetables for dinner. (It's amazing what you can get done when you have a babysitter! Ha!) Unfortunately, that was our last night with Mom, as she had to head home on Tuesday morning.

In the short time she was here, Mom taught Olivia what a monkey says. She will say, "ooooh, oooooh" everytime you ask her. It is really cute! We had such a great time, and are looking forward to the next visit already!


  1. AWWW! Makes me miss her!

  2. Post a video of the monkey sound! Please!!!!

  3. What a beautiful picture of you and Jon. You both look great! Of course so do your Mom and Olivia. We can't wait to have the three of you here for Easter.
