Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First Trip to the Zoo

First of all, Happy Birthday Grandma Gilge!!! We hope you've had a wonderful day and we are looking forward to seeing you next weekend!

This past weekend was an extra good one. Jon took off on Friday to spend an extra day with us, and it was so nice to have some extra time together. We had planned on going to the zoo that day, thinking it would be less crowded on a weekday. However, the rain kept us away. Instead, we stayed in most of the day, only venturing out to a newer restaurant in the neighborhood for lunch.

Saturday was still cloudy and cool, but the rain stayed away so we went out a few times. We walked to the park, so that Jon could see Olivia on the swings, etc. Since it was pretty cool, we didn't stay very long. Later that afternoon, I thought it would be fun to take Olivia outside and blow bubbles. I thought she would like seeing them, but I think I was wrong. This was the extent of her excitement (Ha!): The weather was perfect on Sunday, so we (finally) got to go to the zoo! Her favorite part, by far, was the monkeys. She did her monkey sound through most of the exhibit. Here she is in action (and I posted a video of her monkey sound at the end of the post- for you, Christy!) :) She was EXHAUSTED by the end of our trip, but Jon let her pick out a monkey of her own from the gift shop and she was so excited! Later that evening, we went over to some friends' house for dinner. They are a couple that we met at Max and Emily's when we were in Madison. They just moved to Chicago a couple of weeks ago, and it just so happens that they are in our neighborhood! We took the pack-n-play and put Olivia to bed shortly after we got there, while we stayed up and got to know them better. It was a fun night and a nice way to end a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Dennis and I both keep playing this over and over and laughing everytime. We can't wait to hear her in person. One of the books I bought her for Easter is Eight Little Monkeys!
