Friday, April 1, 2011

No Pranks Here

Happy April Fools Day! I just wanted to do a quick post on our week. We've had a busy couple of days. On Wednesday morning, we went to our regular playdate. Olivia had a good time, like always. After a nap, we went to a new playgroup in the afternoon. We've never been to 2 in the same day, but this seemed like a good one to try out. It was a lot of fun, too. There were about 10-12 kids there, and they were all within a few months in age. It was pretty cute to watch them all play in an enclosed area.

Yesterday, we went back to Family Grounds Cafe so Olivia could play for an hour or so. Afterwards, we stopped by my old work. It was nice to see everyone and show Olivia off. :) After lunch and a nap, we had some errands to run. On the way home, we stopped by the playground. It was pretty chilly out, so we didn't stay long, but it was nice to get some fresh air.

My mom will be here tonight for a visit! I'll update after she leaves next week with a recap. Have a great weekend!

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