Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend in Madison

On Friday, Jon, Olivia, and I drove up to Madison, Wisconsin to visit some friends. Max is one of Jon's oldest and best friends. He and his wife, Emily, have a little boy (Henry) who is about a month younger than Olivia. Another of Jon's closest friends, Joe, drove in from Minneapolis with his wife, Kaia and their little boy, Luke, who is 4 months old. This was our first overnight trip anywhere besides the grandparents, and we had a great time!

The three kids (not an easy task to capture the wiggleworms!):

Max and Emily were such gracious hosts. Friday evening, Max cooked a great dinner for all of us, as well as a few other friends who live in Madison. We stayed up way too late visiting, and catching up.

Up early on Saturday morning, Kaia, Emily, and I headed to the spa for pedicures while the guys kept the kids. It was so nice to get away for a few hours and have a little girl time. After lunch, we headed home and took over, so the boys could grab some food. Later that evening, we ventured out to dinner. (Yes, I realize that we were extremely brave in taking 3 kids under 9 months old out to eat, but they made me so proud!) The kids did so well, and we were able to enjoy a great dinner with even better friends. Back at home, we put the babies to bed and once again, stayed up too late.

After a home cooked breakfast by Emily on Sunday morning, we made our way back to Chicago. We were all exhausted, and turned in early.

It was so fun to watch Olivia and Henry play together. They are doing the same things right now, and they were so cute! And, little Luke is adorable! It won't be long until they are all running around together.

I kept forgetting to take pictures, so I stole most of the ones below from Emily.

Henry chasing Olivia:

Wishing they could break free:

Luke being such a sweet lil' guy:

Henry and Olivia:

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