Wednesday, February 23, 2011

(Late) Valentine's Day and the Rest of the Weekend

We had a great long weekend. Jon was off Monday, so it was nice to have an extra day. Since Jon's parents were visiting the weekend right before Valentine's Day, we decided to celebrate the following weekend. So, Jon took his two Valentines out to dinner Saturday night. We went to Dorado, which is considered French-Mexican cuisine. We went early so that we wouldn't have to keep Olivia up past her bedtime. We had an excellent meal, and Olivia did great. In fact, the waitresses asked if they could keep her! :)

Valentine's Day with Daddy:

Valentine's Day with Mommy:

After breakfast Sunday morning, we made a trip to Costco and then stayed in the rest of the day. It was cold and rainy/snowy.

We made plans to go to the aquarium on Monday. It was a community free day, so we figured it was a good time to give it a try. (Yes, I know... Olivia is too young for the aquarium. But, we thought she might like the big tank with all of the fish swimming around.) Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned. As Jon dropped Olivia and I off near the front and went to park, one of the workers informed me that we would be waiting in line (outside) for 45 minutes. It was cold and snowing, and we decided that wasn't the best idea. So, Jon picked us up and we left. Unable to think of anything else to do, we decided to go to lunch.

So, basically we had a wonderful weekend of eating out! Ha! This morning, we went back to our regular playgroup. The group has changed a little. Now, Olivia is the youngest and the only one not walking. The others are over a year old. She still enjoys herself, though, and it's (not so) fun to see what she'll be up to in a few months!

She has figured out how to crawl underneath our coffee table. This cracks me up because Dagny did this when she was a puppy.

We are going to Madison, WI this weekend to visit some of Jon's friends. There will be 3 couples, each with a baby. Olivia is the oldest of the three, so it should be fun!

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