Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One More Thing... Comments

(Be sure to scroll down... I posted a couple of updates below).

I have been asked several times about how to comment on the blog, and I keep forgetting to post instructions. If you'd like to leave a comment (and I hope you do... I'd love to see who's reading!), below are the steps:

1. Click on "(0) comments" at the end of the post.
2. Write your comment in the box.
3. In the "Comment As" box, choose Name/ URL. You will just need to enter your name in the next box that appears (and leave URL blank).
4. Click "Continue".
5. Back at the original screen, you should see your comment and name. At this point, be sure to click "Post Comment".

I hope that helps. If you have problems commenting (or would prefer to email me instead), email me at