Friday, February 25, 2011

9 Months Old

Olivia turned 9 months old on Friday. What is she up to this month?

- She still wears 12 month clothes.
- She is still in a size 4 diaper.
- She has a total of 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
- Her sleeping has been very inconsistent this month. Sometimes she sleeps through the night, and sometimes she wakes up every 3-4 hours.
- She still takes 2, sometimes 3 naps. They are usually very short in length, though.
- Falling asleep is more difficult these days, as she likes to stand in her crib and look at us.
- She LOVES to be on the floor playing.
- She is still crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything.
- She is walking along the furniture now.
- She loves clapping! She will clap when I sing "Pat-a-Cake" and "If you're Happy and You Know It", or when I say "Yay!"
- She waves bye-bye.
- When I ask her where my nose is, she will reach for it (most of the time).
- We think she is saying "Duck". She loves her duck and when I ask her what it is, she says, "Duh". (Maybe it's a coincidence?!?) :)
- She likes to "dance" to the music.
- She loves playing "Giddy Up, Horsey".
- She is still a really good eater, and she enjoys picking up her food and feeding herself (sometimes).
- She likes giving big, slobbery kisses when she's in the right mood.
- Sometimes, she will "blow kisses". To her, this is accomplished by sticking out her tongue and blowing.
- She goes through shy phases. When someone strange reaches for her, she lays her head on my shoulder.
- When Jon gets home, she crawls as fast as she can to the door to see him.

I had a really hard time getting her to stay still for her 9 month photos, so here are a couple of random pictures from the week. I'll try again tomorrow and add them if I get any good ones.

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