Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trip to Arkansas

Olivia and I had a wonderful time visiting with family and friends in Arkansas. She did great on the flight there, and we were greeted at the airport by Glen, Abby, and Mason. I don't think my mom was too happy about Glen and the kids being the ones to pick us up, but she agreed to it under the condition that we come straight to her house. Ha! After visits with mom and Christi and the girls, Olivia, Amy, and I went to Horseshoe Lake with Glen and his kids for Olivia's first bonfire. We didn't stay very long, but she seemed to enjoy it.

We went to church on Sunday, followed by lunch at Cracker Barrel with family. We spent the rest of the day at mom's house with Abby and Mason. More of the same on Monday and Tuesday, and Olivia stayed with mom Tuesday night so I could go to dinner with Amy. On Wednesday afternoon, I left Olivia with mom and I went and picked Abby up from school. When I got back, Olivia was running a fever. (She had a couple of teeth coming in earlier in the week, so I'm not sure if that was the cause or not). She felt good enough on Thursday to go with me to have lunch with Abby at school, but the fever continued until Friday. She was a little fussy and her sleep was not good. She was waking up several times during the night.

Luckily, the fever went away before our flight home on Saturday, and she did pretty well on that flight as well. However, her good sleep habits still haven't returned. :( She is still teething, so maybe that is the culprit. I'm hoping she isn't starting to make this a habit, though. After months of great sleep, a week of waking up is wearing this mama out! Ha!

I only took a few pictures, but I can't find the USB for my camera, so I'll have to upload them later.

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