Friday, March 4, 2011

Under the Weather... Again

Well, it has been a really low-key week around our house. On Tuesday, Olivia woke up with a little cold. She basically just had a runny nose and wanted to be held all day. (Although I hate it when she's sick, I have to admit that I enjoy the cuddle time!) I decided we should skip the playgroup on Wednesday, just in case. She seemed fine on Wednesday, so we ventured out to do a little shopping, etc. She woke up Thursday morning with a really bad runny nose again, but seemed to feel fine. By noon, she was back to her normal self... or so I thought. She played hard and we ran some errands. I put her to bed last night and she went right to sleep. I went to bed shortly after, while Jon stayed up to work on some stuff. He woke me up at 11:00 holding her and said that she was coughing really bad and wheezing. It seemed like she was having trouble getting enough air. We decided to call the dr, just to be safe. Dr. Egues told us to give her the albuterol inhaler to help her breathe, and to bring her in this morning. That's what we did, and she has bronchialitis again. :( So, basically, we have to start using the inhaler again and keep an eye on her breathing. You can tell that she doesn't feel great, but it isn't too bad. She's been playing and loving on me all day, so I can't complain!

Do you think she's changed much since the last time she had to use the inhaler?

We don't have any plans for this weekend, so we will just focus on getting her well. Hope you all enjoy your weekends!

She has enjoyed "reading" even more this week:

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