Friday, March 25, 2011

Amy's Visit

I'm a little late in updating this week because it's been a busy week. Sometimes we don't even do anything and it feels like I'm busy, but I digress. My best friend Amy came to visit last weekend. She got here on Saturday and stayed until Tuesday. When she arrived Saturday, we went out to an early dinner. After a good meal, we came home and put Olivia to bed. Amy, Jon, and I stayed up too late playing Phase 10 and visiting.

Since Amy has never been to our favorite brunch spot, we made that a priority for Sunday morning. We all had flautas, and couldn't have been happier with our choices! Jon kept Olivia for a few hours afterwards so Amy and I could run some errands and do a little shopping. I'm so thankful that he did because it was cold and rainy for most of the day, so that would have been a pain to get her in and out of the car. Jon cooked stir-fry for dinner, and we went to bed at a decent hour.

We slept in a little on Monday and then went to lunch in Amy's old neighborhood. Afterwards, we went to Target to do a little shopping. Later that night, we (actually Amy) roasted a chicken and some vegetables for dinner. I gave her the choice of feeding Olivia or making dinner... she chose dinner. If you know Amy, you may or may not know that she cannot stand to see food all over a baby's mouth. And, in case you were wondering, that's the stage we are in now! Ha!

Amy left late Tuesday morning, and it was sad to see her go. But, I will see her for Olivia's birthday and that's not too far away (sniff, sniff). Thanks for coming, Amy! We had a great time!

As for the rest of this week, we went to our weekly playgroup on Wednesday. Yesterday, we went upstairs to a neighbor's condo. They have 2 little boys (Campbell, who will be 3 in a couple of weeks, and Emmett, who is 2 weeks older than Olivia). Their dad stays home with them, and we've been talking about getting the kids together for a while, and we finally did. They had a great time, and I think we'll start doing it more often.

We are heading over to our old daycare now, so I can visit and Olivia can play with her friends! :)

That's all I have for now. The weather has turned cold here again (it snowed a little earlier in the week, and the highs are in the 30s), so we will probably stay indoors most of the weekend. I hope you have a great one!

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