Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Weekend, Sad Day

Great news... Olivia is finally feeling better! She is still coughing a little and has congestion in her chest, but you can tell she feels better. We're getting lots of smiles again. I ended up staying home with her again most of the day on Thursday. Jon came home early so that I could work for a little while. After about an hour and a half of him being home with her, I received a text from him that said: "How do you get anything done with a baby?" Ha!

Since the weather was so nice here this weekend and Olivia was feeling better, we decided to take advantage of it. We walked to a new Serbian restaurant on Friday night, where we sat outside and enjoyed the evening. Saturday, we took another walk to a hamburger joint and sat outside once again. We figured we better take advantage of the nice weather while it lasts... we know winter is just around the corner.

As you can see below, I finally got a video of Olivia rolling over. I was excited to get this on video because she would struggle so hard and grunt the entire time. Of course, now that I was able to get it on camera, she just rolled right over like it was nothing. Go figure! :)

On another note, today marks a hard day for my family and I. It's been 10 years today since my dad passed away. I know he's looking down on us now and smiling, but I can't help but wish he was here with us. I would love to see him with Olivia. I miss him more than words can say, and I can't believe it's been 10 years...

1 comment:

  1. Mary Beth,

    The picture above on her tummy on the quilt is the picture I think she looks like you.

