Wednesday, August 25, 2010

3 Months Old... And Sick :(

Today Olivia turns 3 months old! Unfortunately, she had to take a trip to the doctor. Her cough wasn't getting any better, so I decided to take her in. Thank goodness I did! She has bronchialitis and has to take amoxicillin and use an inhaler. How sad is that?!? Hopefully that will make her better. I stayed home from work with her today, and I think Jon is going to stay with her tomorrow. She is still acting like her normal self, but cuddling a little more (which I enjoy!). The only real difference is her naps... When I lay her on her back, she coughs and cries, so she's been napping in her swing or in my arms. Luckily, she is still sleeping good at night.

Using her inhaler:

As for what Olivia is up to at 3 months:

-She sleeps 8-10 hours at a time every night (which she's been doing for a while now, and I'm extremely thankful for!)

-She smiles a lot

-She loves to stand up in my lap when I'm holding her

-She gets tickled when we make noises with our mouth... it's much better than regular words

-She likes looking at herself in the mirrow

-She enjoys watching her mobile, both on the swing and in her crib

-She still sleeps in the bassinet next to our bed at night, but I'm hoping to move her to the crib in the very near future

-She naps in her crib

-She has rolled from her stomach to her back

-She loves looking at the ceiling fans... and they are never even on!

We are enjoying every minute with her, and can't believe how fast she's growing and learning!

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