Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Lot of Fun for One Day!

Olivia and I had a busy day today! We started the day with Story Time at Barnes and Noble. It was Elmo's birthday, so it was all about Elmo. (This is the reason we went. If you're not aware, Olivia is obsessed with Elmo right now!) After a couple of songs and books, and a cup of animal crackers, we left and went to the playground. There have only been a couple of nice days since we moved here, so we were anxious to get outside. She had lots of fun!

She decided she liked going down the slide backwards better:

After lunch and a nap, we (aka I) decided to head back outside. This time, we went into the Metropark. The Metropark is a large park system within the Cleveland area that has trails, nature centers, playgrounds, etc all along the river. We live about a mile from the Rocky River Reservation portion, so that's where we went. I pushed Olivia around on her tricycle, we blew bubbles, she felt the water in the river (or big bath as she called it! Ha!), we visited the nature center, and she watched the geese. In other words, it was a perfect afternoon!

She did NOT want me taking her picture!

The Rocky River:

Playing at the nature center:

I think the temperature is supposed to drop again tonight, so I guess we'll be back indoors for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That looks like such a great spot for a little kid. I can tell she was loving it. Can't wait to see in person! Love ya'll. I think you may have a future as a photographer and Olivia as a model!!
