Today we tried a new church. We dropped Olivia off in the nursery and she seemed ok. Just before we got out the door, another parent dropped off their daughter who was crying hysterically. It made Olivia cry. She settled down and we left her there. After about 15 minutes, Jon went to check on her. The nursery worker told him that she probably would have been fine, but the other little girl was upsetting everyone. So, Jon brought her into church. She did really well, except for a few slightly embarrassing moments. As soon as each song finished, she would yell "Yay!!!". And, every time the pastor said "Jesus", Olivia would say, "Jesus!". She also repeated a few lines of the pastor's prayer (as he continued to pray). Overall, she did pretty well... Let's just hope the nursery works out better next time! Ha!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
What great pics!!!It always makes me smile when you update. So glad it has been nice and ya'll can get out and explore. Basketball of soccer--Hmmmmmmm. Could be interesting. So Sweet to see her run to her dad when he gets home.Love ya'll!!!