Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fun with the Dogs

Olivia had so much fun playing with Phoebs this afternoon! She started off just rubbing her belly:

Then, she thought it was SO funny that Phoebs was "playing peek-a-boo". (Really, she was just rubbing her eyes. Ha!)

When Phoebs walked away, she couldn't figure out why:

But, she was very excited when Dagny decided to join in on the fun!

After a little while, she was "all done":

(I couldn't get any pictures of her with the dogs because one of them was always moving, which made the pictures blurry!)


  1. I know Phoebs and Dagny enjoyed the belly rubs as much as Olivia enjoyed giving them! Her hair is going to be long enough for a french braid by the time I get there. Wonder what she would think of that? Love these updates!!!

  2. Twice in one week! Thanks, Mary Beth, for the updates. I know both of the Grandmas appreciate them. Olivia looks so pretty!
