Sunday, May 8, 2011

Last Week in Review

Last week was another busy one for us. On Monday, we met some new friends at the coffee shop playspace. Olivia was the youngest, but not by much and she still had fun. Tuesday was our weekly Wiggleworms class. Olivia enjoyed herself much more this week. When the class starts, we all sit in a circle on the floor. The teacher also sits in the floor with her guitar. The kids usually sit in their mothers' laps for at least the first couple of songs. Well, this week, Olivia crawled right up to the teacher when she started. I thought she was going for the guitar, so I got up to get her. Before I got there, though, she stopped. She sat about a foot in front of the teacher and stayed there for at least a couple of songs. She just sat and danced to the songs. It was pretty cute! And, everyone in the class got a kick out of it. I guess she already likes being the center of attention! Ha!

On Wednesday, we went to our regular playgroup, and then met some friends at a playground in the afternoon. We went upstairs Thursday and played with the boys that live above us for a little while.

The highlight of our week was Friday. We spent a good portion of the day at the zoo with some new friends. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day weatherwise. Olivia really liked looking at the animals and was worn out by the end! (I took some pictures with my little camera, but I can't find the cord... I'll update when I find it).

She LOVES looking at herself in the mirror. I didn't capture it very well here, but she races towards the mirror and gives herself big, slobbery kisses everytime. Then, she just giggles!

Looking at a book:

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