Thursday, May 26, 2011

12 Months Old

Olivia is 1! We had her 12 month check-up today and she is 30 inches long (80%) and 22 lbs 8 oz (75%). Dr. Egues said that everything looks great! Unfortunately, she had to get some shots that she wasn't happy about. Thankfully, she only cried for a minute.

So, what is Olivia up to at her 1-year mark?

- She is still wearing size 6-12 month or 12 month clothing.
- She is in a size 4 diaper.
- She is VERY active! She doesn't want to be held, except when she is drinking her milk before bed and we are reading.
- She is a great sleeper! In fact, her naps are even good now. She sleeps from 7:30pm-6:30am. She has a morning nap from 9-11 and an afternoon nap from about 2-4.
- She is walking all of the time now. If she wants to get somewhere really quick, she will still crawl, or when she falls on her way to something, she crawls the rest of the way. But, she always starts out walking.
- She "talks" ALL day.
- She loves to say, "night night" and lay her head on a pillow.
- She now says: momma, dadda, duck, dog, cat, night-night, cup, clap.
- She can tell you what sounds the following animals make: monkey, tiger, bee, elephant, sheep, snake.
- She no longer has formula. She is drinking whole milk now.
- She's still a really good eater, and will eat pretty much whatever we eat. Her favorites right now are strawberries, cheese, kiwi, meatballs, and hummus. (Yes, I know that there are no vegetables on that list. She will eat her veggies, but they definitely aren't her favorites! Ha!)
- She LOVES to give kisses (and I love it too!) :)
- She has started being silly, by putting bowls on her head, tickling me, etc.
- She likes to give "big hugs".
- She puts her hands on her cheeks when we say "uh-oh".
- She shrugs her shoulders and puts both hands palms up when we say, "What is it?"
- She stretches out her arms when I say, "How much do you love ma-ma?"

She is still so happy all of the time! She wakes up with a smile on her face and goes to bed still smiling.

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