Monday, September 27, 2010

4 months old

Olivia turned 4 months old on Saturday. Every month I say, "Where has the time gone?" and this month is no different. She is such a happy baby and we feel so blessed! So, what is Olivia up to at 4 months?
-She usually sleeps 10 hours, wakes up and eats, and then sleeps for another 2 hours. (Sometimes she needs a pacifier after about 7-8 hours, but not always).
-She sleeps on her stomach because she immediately rolls over to it when we lay her on her back.
-She loves to smile.
-She recognizes me when I pick her up from daycare, and she smiles at me when she sees me.
-She fake coughs.
-She laughs when you really talk to her and tickle her.
-After giving her lots of kisses, she opens her mouth and "kisses" your cheek.
-She can hold her own bottle for a little while.
-She is starting to like some toys.
-She cried when I took a toy away from her the other day (because it was bathtime) and then stopped crying when I gave it back to her.
-She still loves to stand in our laps.
-She can sit up with very little assistance.
-She just moved up to a size 3 diaper.

I'm not sure how much she weighs. We go back to the doctor for her 4-month shots next week, so I'll update with her stats then.

She looked so cute this weekend. It was a little cool out, so we put her hat on. She got lots of compliments! :)

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