Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Somebody Couldn't Wait Until November

My mom decided that she couldn't wait until Thanksgiving to see Olivia, so she came to visit last weekend. She arrived Friday night, and Olivia stayed up a little late to wait on her. I think they were both glad to see each other. Mom couldn't believe how much she has changed since she last saw her. After a brief visit, Olivia went to bed, and Jon and I visited with mom for a little while before turning in for the night. Saturday morning, we all walked to breakfast, ate too much, and came home. That afternoon, Olivia stayed with her Gram while Jon and I went to a movie. It was Chicago hot dogs for dinner, and an early night to bed for all of us. Sunday was a lazy day, and I don't think any of us got out of our pajamas. We spent the day visiting and relaxing. Mom stayed an extra day this time so that she could keep Olivia while Jon and I worked on Monday. I'm sure they had a blast!! It was hard to see her leave this morning, but at least we will be in Arkansas soon. In fact, I just booked my flight! Olivia and I are flying down there the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Jon will drive down that Wednesday, and we'll all drive back up to Chicago the Sunday after. It will be here before we know it!

Giving Gram Kisses:

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