Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy, Full, and Sick

Things have been a little hectic around here. I've been extremely busy with work, having to go in really early and stay late some days. I even worked this past Saturday. That allowed Jon and Olivia to have a daddy-daughter day. This was the longest amount of time they have spent together alone. I don't think they even missed me! (Although Jon was a little worn out when I got home! Ha!)

Here's Olivia enjoying bathtime on Sunday:

She loves being in the bathtub. But, one of my absolute favorite things is when I get her out and wrap her in a towel. She just laughs and has the best time while I dry her off!

I forgot to mention in the last post that we started Olivia on rice cereal last week. She immediately knew what to do with the spoon, and was quickly eating a LOT of cereal. On Sunday, we gave her sweet potatoes, and she seems to love them. Next week, we will start carrots. As you may or may not know, Jon does the majority of the cooking in our household. He's a great cook and he enjoys it. That is no different when it comes to Olivia. He is making her food too!

Ready for dinner:

In other news, Olivia is sick again. This time it's just a cold, but it's still pretty pitiful. She has a runny nose, a cough, and one of her eyes is really watery. Per the daycare's recommendation, I took her to the doctor today to make sure it was nothing more than a cold, but that's all it is.

Not feeling well (Isn't that sad?):
(Thank you cousin Luke for the cute pumpkin outfit!)

I can't believe she turned 5 months old yesterday. I'll do her 5 month post sometime this week when she's feeling a little better for her picture. Until then, enjoy your week!

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