Sunday, October 17, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Gilge Visit

It's been a little longer than usual since I last updated. Jon's parents visited last weekend and I had a really busy week at work last week. This week will be just as busy, so I figured I had better update while I can.

Jon's parents arrived last Friday evening. Jon's mom brought dinner, so we stayed in and caught up. Saturday consisted of breakfast out and a little shopping. Saturday night, Jon and his dad went to the USA vs Poland soccer match. Sunday was a fairly lazy day, which started with Dunkin' Donuts and consisted of hanging out around the house and a fish fry for dinner. They stayed until Monday, which worked out nicely. I found out Olivia's daycare was closed on Monday, so they kept her while I got some work done.

With Grandpa:

As I mentioned, I had a really busy week at work. Thankfully, Jon was able to take Olivia and pick her up from daycare a couple of days. I think he realized that he has to give himself more time than he thinks he needs when he also has to get a baby ready! Ha!

Having fun with Daddy:

This weekend has been pretty low key. We had pictures taken of Olivia today, so I'll share those as soon as I get them.


Have a great week!

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