Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4 Month Check-Up

Olivia had her 4 month check up today. She charmed everyone at the doctor's office, smiling at anyone that would look at her. She is 26 inches long and weighs 17 pounds, which puts her in the 95th percentile for both. The doctor said she looks great. She commented on how strong she is, how pretty her skin is, and how beautiful she is. In other words, she's perfect! Ha!

Dr. Egues said that we could start trying to give Olivia some rice cereal. We gave it a try for the first time tonight and she did really well. She was sucking it right out of the spoon, and getting mad when I would have to get more. She only had a little, but we'll give her more tomorrow. I have a video, but I'm having trouble getting it to load... I'll try to add it later.

She also tried out her high chair for the first time yesterday. She threw a fit when we first put her in it, but she quickly decided it wasn't so bad:
Jon's parents will be in town this weekend, so I'll post again after their visit.
Enjoy the rest of the week!

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