Monday, September 20, 2010

Naptime is about to get more difficult...

Why is naptime about to get more difficult for us? Not because Olivia isn't a good sleeper, but instead because she is now rolling over from her back to her stomach. Every time I lay her down on her back during the day, she rolls right over to her stomach. If she's really tired, she just rolls about halfway over and falls asleep on her side.

In other news, she can also hold her bottle now. If we hold it out in front of her, she'll reach for it and she can hold it for a little while. Jon usually has to adjust her hands so that she actually gets the milk.

It's amazing to see how quickly she's learning new things these days. She likes some of her toys now, too... although her favorite toys are still people. When we give her lots of kisses, she gets so excited and opens her mouth really wide. She then puts her mouth to my cheek. I say, "thank you for the kisses" and she just giggles! It's one of my favorite things, and we do it over and over! :)

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