Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Weekend, Sad Day

Great news... Olivia is finally feeling better! She is still coughing a little and has congestion in her chest, but you can tell she feels better. We're getting lots of smiles again. I ended up staying home with her again most of the day on Thursday. Jon came home early so that I could work for a little while. After about an hour and a half of him being home with her, I received a text from him that said: "How do you get anything done with a baby?" Ha!

Since the weather was so nice here this weekend and Olivia was feeling better, we decided to take advantage of it. We walked to a new Serbian restaurant on Friday night, where we sat outside and enjoyed the evening. Saturday, we took another walk to a hamburger joint and sat outside once again. We figured we better take advantage of the nice weather while it lasts... we know winter is just around the corner.

As you can see below, I finally got a video of Olivia rolling over. I was excited to get this on video because she would struggle so hard and grunt the entire time. Of course, now that I was able to get it on camera, she just rolled right over like it was nothing. Go figure! :)

On another note, today marks a hard day for my family and I. It's been 10 years today since my dad passed away. I know he's looking down on us now and smiling, but I can't help but wish he was here with us. I would love to see him with Olivia. I miss him more than words can say, and I can't believe it's been 10 years...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

3 Months Old... And Sick :(

Today Olivia turns 3 months old! Unfortunately, she had to take a trip to the doctor. Her cough wasn't getting any better, so I decided to take her in. Thank goodness I did! She has bronchialitis and has to take amoxicillin and use an inhaler. How sad is that?!? Hopefully that will make her better. I stayed home from work with her today, and I think Jon is going to stay with her tomorrow. She is still acting like her normal self, but cuddling a little more (which I enjoy!). The only real difference is her naps... When I lay her on her back, she coughs and cries, so she's been napping in her swing or in my arms. Luckily, she is still sleeping good at night.

Using her inhaler:

As for what Olivia is up to at 3 months:

-She sleeps 8-10 hours at a time every night (which she's been doing for a while now, and I'm extremely thankful for!)

-She smiles a lot

-She loves to stand up in my lap when I'm holding her

-She gets tickled when we make noises with our mouth... it's much better than regular words

-She likes looking at herself in the mirrow

-She enjoys watching her mobile, both on the swing and in her crib

-She still sleeps in the bassinet next to our bed at night, but I'm hoping to move her to the crib in the very near future

-She naps in her crib

-She has rolled from her stomach to her back

-She loves looking at the ceiling fans... and they are never even on!

We are enjoying every minute with her, and can't believe how fast she's growing and learning!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We Survived, But...

Well, we made it through my first week back at work. The first couple of days were hard, but made easier by me going to the daycare to feed and visit Olivia on my lunch break. By the end of the week, we were in a pretty good routine and everything went smoothly. (Well, except the two nights that Olivia decided to sleep 10 hours straight, instead of her normal 8... It made us a little late, but you won't hear me complain about her sleeping too long!!)

As for the "But" in the title of the post... Olivia is now sick for the first time. I think it's just a minor cold. She's been coughing and has some congestion, but no fever. Hearing a bad cough from such a little girl is so sad. Luckily, it hasn't affected her mood and she is as happy as ever. She has just enjoyed cuddling a little more than usual.

This is how we've spent the majority of the weekend:

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

An End and A Beginning

This past week has been bittersweet. It's been my last week at home with Olivia, as I start back to work tomorrow. I can't believe how fast the past 12 weeks have flown by. I am so blessed to have been able to spend these 3 months with her. Tomorrow morning is going to be hard, but I know she will do just fine. I'm the one who will struggle. We've made the most of our last week together, mainly just hanging out, smiling, and "talking". She really tries to mimic any sounds I make. To top it off, she rolled over from her stomach to her back yesterday... twice!! (Thank goodness that happened with me and not her first day at daycare!) ha! I tried to video her doing it, but she wouldn't do it for the camera. I'll keep trying.

I hope everyone has a great week. Say a little prayer for me tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gram's Visit

As I mentioned in my last post, my mom came for a visit last Wednesday. She stayed until Monday morning. It was a great few days, and I think she was shocked at how much Olivia has grown since our visit to Arkansas. On Thursday, we went to the mall and to Babies R Us to exchange a few things. We also ate lunch at my mom's favorite restaurant... Red Lobster. Friday was a lazy day... I don't think we even left the house. We just enjoyed visiting and Mom and Olivia spent the day talking and smiling at each other. Jon made a Spanish dinner when he got home from work and we all went to bed with full bellies! On Saturday, all of us walked over to a local craft fair and then took the long way home. The weather was perfect for the long walk. Saturday night, Jon and I took advantage of our free babysitter and had a date night. We went to the Capital Grille and were extremely pleased with our meal. We got home in time to kiss on Olivia and put her to bed. Sunday was rainy, so we spent the majority of the day indoors. We were able to get out in the afternoon to visit an ice cream shop. Once again on Sunday night, Jon and I left Olivia with her Gram. We went to watch the Chicago Fire soccer game. The game was at 8:00pm, which meant that mom put Olivia to bed. Monday morning came all too soon, and mom hit the road back to Arkansas. It was a great visit and I know she and Olivia both enjoyed it.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Busy Week

It's been a busy week and a half since I last posted. On Thursday of last week, Jon and I had our first date night alone since Olivia was born. She stayed with Ann, the lady who runs the daycare where she will be staying when I go back to work. Jon and I went out to dinner, as did Ann and Olivia (along with Ann's son, Leo). We met them after dinner at the restaurant, where they were sitting outside listening to live music. I think Olivia has already won Ann's heart, and I'm thankful for that! (I tried to get a picture of the three of us before we left, but we were running late, so I wasn't able to. It takes a lot longer to get ready when you have to get a baby ready too!!) Ha!

Saturday, my friend Amy came into town for a visit. While she was here, Olivia had her first trip to the mall, and we had a couple of lunches out. Besides eating and shopping, we didn't do much. :)

Olivia and her "Aunt" Amy:

Amy left on Wednesday afternoon and my mom arrived Wednesday night. She'll be here until Monday morning. I'll update with details on her visit next week.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!