Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Trick or Treat

As I mentioned before, we didn't get to trick-or-treat until Sunday due to the storm and damage left because of it.  Our neighborhood doesn't have any kids, so we went to Julia's house (Olivia's friend, whose grandmother lives in our neighborhood).  Their street went all out, which is apparently pretty common here.  A lot of them had fires going in their front yards, Julia included.  We brought along marshmallows and roasted those when the girls finished trick-or-treating.  It was cold, but she had SO MUCH FUN!!!  After every house, she would take out the piece of candy and ask me what it was and if she could have it.  I'd tell her that she could have some when we finished and she'd say, "Okay".... until the next house and the next, etc. :)

Here are some pictures from the night:

Every piece of candy she's eaten from her basket is her "favorite in the whole world"!  Hahaha!

1 comment:

  1. She must have had so much fun! I bet everyone loved her costume, too! It will be hard to top that one next year!
