Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

I'm pretty sure we have been celebrating Halloween since the first of October and it isn't over yet!  Trick or Treating in our area was postponed due to the storms and power outages, so we will trick-or-treat on Sunday.

The festivities began with a little baking.  Mom sent Olivia a pumpkin pan, so she was excited to make a pumpkin cake:

The week after that was spent making Olivia's costume.  I asked her a while back what she wanted to be for Halloween.  I figured she would have no idea, and I'd get to pick something really cute.  Wellllll, that wasn't exactly the case.  She immediately said she wanted to be a chicken and she hasn't backed down once.. Even after my attempts to show her every costume in Target, TJ Maxx, and online.  So, I set off to find a cute chicken costume and decided homemade was the way to go. (Did I mention that I don't know how to sew?!?)  So, Jon (begrudgingly) offered to help.  To say that it was a bit of a pain and time consuming would be an understatement.  But, once I got the hang of it, I was glad we decided to do it.  Here we are in action:

We were pretty proud of our work. That is, until we tried to put it on her the next morning. She was so excited and loved it... Until it wouldn't fit over her head. Oops!  After a few alterations, it was ready to go and she LOVED it! 

Ready for her first Halloween party:
Enjoying one of her treats with Daddy (She wouldn't even take off her costume to eat!):
Our next Halloween festivity was Boo at the Zoo.  We didn't take many pictures there because it got dark pretty soon after it started, but here are a few:

With Cinderella:

And, finally, we went trick-or-treating at the mall earlier this week:
I think it's safe to say that we got plenty of wear out of her costume this year.  I'm sure I'll have more to post after this weekend.  I hope you enjoyed Halloween as much as we did!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad ya'll celebrated so long because it gave us so many cute pictures. Love them all! Have to say the one of Jon on the sewing machine ranks right up there. Can never say his mom didn't teach him right!! You will never top this costume no matter what you do!!
