Thursday, November 1, 2012

Toddler Bed!!

Well, the time has come... As of tonight, Olivia is no longer in a crib. I planned to keep her in the crib as log as possible since she was so content in there. However, she showed me today at nap that she was no longer content. I was talking to my brother on the phone (when she was "napping"). I heard a noise and told Glen, "That sounds like Olivia knocking on her bedroom door. Surely, it's actually the wall she's knocking on.". I went up to check and she had taken off her pajamas, climbed out of the crib, and was knocking on her door saying, "Mommy, I don't want to take a nap." Hmmmm. I put her back in the crib and told her no climbing out. I said that she didn't have to sleep, but she had to rest. By the time I got downstairs and checked the video monitor, she had climbed out again. (Yes, she minds well.) ;) I did the same thing a second time, but I opened the door after a couple of seconds. She already had her foot over the side of the crib! That's when I decided she needed to come out.

So, long story short, we made several trips to several different stores to get what we needed and I spent the afternoon converting her crib to a toddler bed. (Jon is out of town.)

I've been dreading this day because I had a bad feeling that she wouldn't stay in bed. Well, so far, she has proved me wrong. She wanted to sleep with her Pooh bear and 3 books, so I let her. I heard her "reading" a book, and then she was fast asleep in 10 minutes. I'd like to think this trend will continue, but it's probably because she didn't nap today and she's exhausted!

Wish us luck!

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