Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

We started the day early today and went to the polls at 7:15. There were very few people there, so we didn't have to wait. Olivia didn't want to leave and kept saying, "I want to vote some more.". If only we could! ;)  (I later realized that she thought we would be boating, instead of voting.  She was upset that she didn't get to sit in the boat..)

After preschool and a nap, we went to the playground for a little while. It was about 40 degrees, but it's the first time we've seen the sun in weeks, so we took advantage of it.

I hope you all enjoyed the day and exercised your right to vote!!

(Sorry for the poor picture quality... they were taken with my phone.)

1 comment:

  1. She looks a lot happier at the park than at the voting site. We so love and appreciate these pictures, Mary Beth.
