Thursday, November 29, 2012

Starry Nights

One of the highlights of our Thanksgiving trip was taking Olivia to see Starry Nights. Glen booked us a carriage ride to take through the lights display. I figured Olivia would like it, but I wasn't prepared for how much she would love it! We all agreed that her reaction made the trip worthwhile. Here are some pictures:
What a fun night!!!!

All Play, No Work

One of Olivia's favorite parts of our trip to Arkansas was going to work with Gram. I'm not sure if I've mentioned, but Olivia loves construction equipment and big trucks right now. She can identify bulldozers, excavators, crane trucks, cement mixers, and backhoes. She also gets excited when she sees an 18-wheeler (and will sing "Roll On 18 Wheeler"). So, getting to go to work with Gram was a blast because she got to ride on a tractor, and sit on combines and big trucks. Here are some of the pictures my mom sent from her boss' cell phone:

Another favorite was visiting Uncle Glen at work and getting to sit on the train. She even got to honk the horn and blow the whistle!

Who knew that working could be so much fun!?!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This was the year that we spent Thanksgiving in Arkansas. Olivia and I flew down on the 14th and stayed until the 27th. Jon was able to join us from the 21st-25th. It's hard to believe that it had been almost an entire year since I was last home. (I hope it's never that long between visits again!) We had such a good time, and enjoyed catching up with everyone. I'll let the pictures tell most of the story.

Watching Dora on the plane (which by the way, Olivia was such a great passenger... whew!!)

Sleeping with Abby:

At the zoo with Uncle Glen, Abby, and Mason:
Reading with Abby:
Trying on Uncle Glen's hat:

Helping Gram with Thanksgiving desserts:

With cousin Bentley:

With cousin Brody:

We did several other things that were highlights and deserve their own post (coming soon!) Needless to say, we had such a great time and didn't want to have to leave. In fact, Olivia cried on the plane ride home because she "just wanted to go back to Arkansas and see Gram." (She wasn't the only one...) This was her face:

Isn't that the most pitiful thing ever?!? We miss all of you already, and can't wait to see you next time!!!!! xoxo

Monday, November 19, 2012

November Fun

November had unseasonably warm temperatures here, so we took advantage of it and spent lots of time outdoors, both at the parks and the zoo.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

We started the day early today and went to the polls at 7:15. There were very few people there, so we didn't have to wait. Olivia didn't want to leave and kept saying, "I want to vote some more.". If only we could! ;)  (I later realized that she thought we would be boating, instead of voting.  She was upset that she didn't get to sit in the boat..)

After preschool and a nap, we went to the playground for a little while. It was about 40 degrees, but it's the first time we've seen the sun in weeks, so we took advantage of it.

I hope you all enjoyed the day and exercised your right to vote!!

(Sorry for the poor picture quality... they were taken with my phone.)

Trick or Treat

As I mentioned before, we didn't get to trick-or-treat until Sunday due to the storm and damage left because of it.  Our neighborhood doesn't have any kids, so we went to Julia's house (Olivia's friend, whose grandmother lives in our neighborhood).  Their street went all out, which is apparently pretty common here.  A lot of them had fires going in their front yards, Julia included.  We brought along marshmallows and roasted those when the girls finished trick-or-treating.  It was cold, but she had SO MUCH FUN!!!  After every house, she would take out the piece of candy and ask me what it was and if she could have it.  I'd tell her that she could have some when we finished and she'd say, "Okay".... until the next house and the next, etc. :)

Here are some pictures from the night:

Every piece of candy she's eaten from her basket is her "favorite in the whole world"!  Hahaha!