Monday, November 15, 2010

Better to Eat With

I forgot to post one important piece of information in my last post... Olivia has a tooth!! Two of them actually! Last weekend, she woke up during the night a couple of times wanting to eat. As you know, that is unlike her, as she has been sleeping through the night for a LONG time. (That's probably why I didn't update last weekend... I was tired! Ha!) Anyway, by last Monday, you could feel a tooth. Now, you can see them (barely). It's the teeth on the bottom in the middle.

I also wanted to mention that she is doing GREAT with solids! She is now eating sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, squash, and rice cereal. We haven't come across anything that she doesn't like yet. She is an impatient eater, too... she hits her hands on the highchair if we aren't feeding her fast enough!

Have a great week!

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