Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Angie's Visit

My best friend from high school, Angie, visited this past weekend. She flew in on Friday night and Olivia and I picked her up from the airport. We did a little catching up on the way home, and then picked up Jon. After a Mexican dinner, we headed home and went to bed.

Saturday morning, we took our time getting up and around. Angie fed Olivia carrots for the first time, which she didn't care too much for at first. She gradually came around to them, and ended up eating most of them. We then walked to our favorite breakfast place, where Angie enjoyed blueberry cobbler pancakes with cinnamon ice cream on top:

After breakfast, we all went out to our backyard for our neighborhood Howl-o-ween Parade (see below post). Angie, Olivia, and I then did a little shopping while Jon stayed home and relaxed. We worked up an appetite and picked Jon back up for a mediterranean dinner.

Saturday night, Jon came down with the stomach flu. On Sunday, Angie, Olivia, and I went downtown to have Chicago style pizza and do a little more shopping. We left Jon at home sleeping. I started feeling a little queasy when we were downtown, but not enough so to put a halt on our shopping trip. Eventually, it got the best of me and we came home. I was sick the rest of the night, and Angie started feeling sick later in the night. (Thankfully, Olivia didn't catch it).

I felt so bad that Angie got sick while she was here, and even worse that she had to get on the plane to go back home while feeling so bad. Luckily, we had some good quality time together before we both got sick.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of Angie and Olivia until Monday morning before we took Angie to the airport. This was after a long night of illness, but she still looks great!

Angie- thank you so much for coming to visit! It was great to see you and I hope to see you again soon. I'm sorry for getting you sick!

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