Tuesday, November 30, 2010

6 months

Olivia turned 6 months old on Thanksgiving. Is she really halfway to a year?? She is becoming more fun every day. What's she up to at 6 months?

- She still wears size 6-9 month clothing.
- She is still in a size 3 diaper.
- She sleeps about 11 hours straight at night and then is up for the day.
- She tends to take a lot of short naps rather than a couple of long ones.
- She wants to be put down when being held.
- She LOVES being on the floor!
- She crawls backwards really well, but hasn't mastered the forward movement yet.
- She "talks" and laughs a lot.
- She loves to be tickled and for us to blow on her stomach.
- She sits up by herself.
- She is eating cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, green peas, green beans, and bananas. She has liked everything we've given her.
- She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth.
- She has two teeth.
- She smiles at everyone that will look at her.
- She has favorite toys now. Currently, she gets really excited when she sees her singing duck.

Hopefully we can figure out a way to slow down the next 6 months!

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