Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekend Away

While my mom was visiting last weekend, Jon and I went to Pittsburgh. It was the first time leaving Olivia overnight, and it couldn't have gone any better. She was happy with her Gram, and I didn't worry at all. (Ok, maybe a little... but, not much :))

Ready to go:

Jon and I left Saturday morning. After lunch and exploring one neighborhood, we checked into the hotel and took a much needed nap. Afterwards, we just explored the city a little. We took this train up to Washington Mountain to get a good view of the city:
From the top:
Later, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of mussels and kobe beef... one of the best meals we have ever had!

We did a little more exploring, along with a yummy brunch before heading home on Sunday. It was a nice getaway, but it was good to be back home.

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