Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A little of everything

Ok, I'm going to do my best to get caught up with this post and start doing better with pictures and posts! (No promises, though!)

A few things that I want to remember: - About a month ago, Olivia learned my phone number and our address. It happened pretty randomly, as I was on the phone with someone and gave them my number. When I hung up, she said the first couple of numbers of it. I told her a few more times, and she had it memorized in no time! Crazy!

- She loves talking about who is a boy and who is a girl. Lately when we are doing that, I'll ask her what she is and she always says, "I'm a princess". I think I'm going to have my hands full...

- She definitely knows what she wants and doesn't want. In the past couple of weeks, she has started throwing a few fits here and there. Most are minor, but occasionally they involve foot stomping.

- Over the last few days, she has becoming increasingly sweet and cuddly. She LOVES giving me hugs and kisses. I always say, "I love you" and she says, "No, I love YOU". This goes on and on... :)

I don't think I've mentioned lately just how blessed I feel to be able to stay home with her. We are having so much fun right now, and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Speaking of having fun... Here's a little sampling of what we've been up to:

Having fun with daddy:

Eating ice cream:
Playing in the corn box with Theo:
The other day I had dinner in the stove. She went over to the stove and tried to open it. I said, "NO! That's HOT!". She replied, "But, it's okay... I'm wearing my oven mitts."
Seeing her first rainbow:
Taking a break at the playground:
Ready for dinner:
1st day of swim lessons (which she LOVES):
FINALLY facing forward in her car seat:
On a nature walk with Zavier:
"It's ok, Olivia"
Best Friends:
At the playground:
Ok, that catches us up! My mom is flying in on Friday and staying until Wednesday, so I'll update after that. Jon and I are going away for the night Saturday. It will be the first time I've left Olivia overnight...

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics and the updates. The haircut makes her look less like a baby but she was already about there. Not long now til I can get my hands on her!! Love ya'll. (makes me laugh to know you are having to deal with tantrums.)
